One of my 2019 goals was to travel more. It’s been awhile and with the stresses, challenges and triumphs of co-building a company these last five years, travel was not a priority up until now. Fact of the matter is that I couldn’t. I had young children who I wanted to be around for and starting a new business venture is a very FT job.
Read MoreBlink and the holidays are over. Just when you finally can come up for air, we have one more windsprint to get through: New Year’s Eve. It’s truly one of my most favorite holidays outside of Halloween. As a Gemini, turning the page to a fresh new chapter and embracing change is something I will always get behind. Change is good!
Read MoreYou know, 2018 was a great year for so many reasons. It really was. I cannot complain. Sure, there were some disappointments but turning 40 was the highlight. With a stronger sense of self, my tolerance and my priorities…I was able to brush off the things that take up precious headspace and I look forward to more of that in 2019. Getting old can be liberating!
Here are my thoughts on the past 365 days...
Read MoreI am pretty sure I’ve discovered family gold when it comes to weekend activities. You can thank me later. I first started sharing about CMX Cinemas on my IG and my DMs blew up so I wanted to share in a full blog post as well.
Visiting this luxurious movie theater parents might just award you Mom of the Year OR Wife of the Year so listen up because “going to the movies” just got a whole lot cooler.
Read MoreWhelp, in the name of spontaneity this double date duo headed to Truluck Rosemont to celebrate and close in on a year of friendship, successes, failures, family and some of those truly bazaar moments that you can only laugh about. And laughter was in order!
Read MoreIf there’s ever a time that I love to host parties at my house, it’s during the month of December. Gimme all the sparkle and all the glam...sweets help, too!
Read MoreI’ve told you a little bit about how nutty next week will be here. I’m mentally preparing myself to be spun like a top hence preparation and balance are everything right now. The easiest way for me to achieve that is with a solid exercise routine. Even 30 minutes make a giant impact on my day. And looking cute is half the battle, right?
Read MoreThere is not one of my girlfriends who isn’t juggling a million balls in the air. Whether they are an entrepreneur, a creative, a FT mom…they all have one thing in common: they are HUSTLERS. These women manage their homes, their families, their businesses, feed everyone and still manage to look like a total fox at all times. That takes tremendous talent. Trust in this.
Read MoreI consider myself somewhat of a Trader Joe’s connoisseur. I almost shop exclusively there and for many good reason. The primary being pricing, produce and unique products or dinner hacks that simplify my life during the work week. You can find healthy, gluten free, organic product at TJ’s no different than anywhere else.
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