Posts in Food + Lifestyle
Saugatuck in the Winter! <a guide on where to shop, eat, drink and do>

When people think of Saugatuck or any neighboring Michigan town, they often think of dune beaches, ice cream, porch swings and lakes. And all of those things are 100% applicable, however, do not discount this quaint, Midwestern town in the cold months because you would be missing out.

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2019 learnings + epiphanies.

2019 was challenging year in some ways. For all the uncomfortable moments I experienced, I can honestly tell you that I am completely at peace as the year comes to a close. It was a year of accomplishment even if that means just surviving another day. The highs include speaking on a panel at Facebook HQ, taking an International trip to London and Paris with our kids, landing a really big, national client at Oak Street Social, taking the girls to Broadway in New York, finding myself at SALT Fitness and celebrating our creative talent, my work family, by hosting our very first holiday party. My heart is definitely full and I look forward to a new decade with all of you. And if you’re new here, you can read my 2018 learnings here. It’s an annual thing!

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The best coffee spots in the Northshore.

If you’ve been following me for a hot second, you know I like my coffee and lots of it! I like trying a new coffee spot as much as I like getting my hair color which is saying a lot! There’s something about the steady hum of the roasters and espresso machines that maks me focused and productive. And let’s be honest, when you work for yourself, it’s nice to get a change of scenery. But who says you have to drive all the way into the city to experience all of the above?

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A new brunch spot.

The calendar is blowing up which means a lot of frantic running minus the QT with our little, nuclear family. You never know how much you need it until you miss it, do it and then love it. I never want to be too busy to notice when I need to stop and pump the brakes which is why our jazzy brunch at Hey Nonny came at the perfect time.

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How much is too much? A discussion on vulnerability.

This isn’t a post about me at all. This post has been rattling around in the back of my head for some time and I think the universe was trying to tell me something because last week my friends shared several instances in which people had judged them over the internets. People like you and me decided to weigh in on their decisions completely unsolicited. Some opinions were based on superfluous things while others took an incredible amount of courage to discuss. I shook and continue to shake my head at these instances. One: I can relate because I have sat in that hot seat and two: what kind of world do we live in in which humans can be wretchedly mean when disguised behind a computer or some silly social media handle?

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