5 Remedies for the Nasty Cold.

Apologies for the radio silence. I have been bitten by the winter flu bug and I'm still not 100%. But there is no rest for the weary...or moms...as you know. Really, that applies to all parents. But that's a different story for a different day. So! Today's post is not related to fashion but rather, remedies!

I've been working so hard on eating clean and exercise lately. I kind of fell off the wagon during the holidays...a likely story. And, if you exclude Sunday Funday, it's been working. I feel pretty good save for this week. That was until the dreaded cold bug bit me.

With a little help from my friends and the old internets, I've found some alternatives to my former habits of overdosing on Dayquil. Turns out those little pills don't make me feel so great after all.

Let's review:

  1. Oregano Oil: A new-to-me remedy. Just four drops in diluted water, shotgunned twice a day and you'll shorten the shelf life of your cold. Warning: it's not pleasant and rather spicy but it works! I just can't tell you how or why. Try this one.
  2. Vitamin C: Chewable tablets are my new best friend. I opt for these. One serving is four chewable tablets and they taste nice and orange-y. I often feel a nice burst of energy, too - although momentary.
  3. Throat Coat: This is the tea of dreams. It really lives up to its name. It's caffeine free so you can sip it all day. One of the most soothing sore throat solutions I've come across. It's not cheap but it certainly works. Bonus: you'll stay ultra hydrated!
  4. Sweat It Out: No matter how zapped you are, I highly recommend a good sweat sesh. This week, and only on Day 3, I opted for a SPIN class. My joints don't work like they used to so running is out of the question but SPIN...always a good idea. And if working out sounds awful, go for a steam...either at home or the fancy kind at your gym. Let it alllllll run out!
  5. Sleep: Old fashioned but true. I sent myself to bed every night this week at or before 10pm. This is pretty early for me but no amount of work is worth feeling like crap. I know this to be true. And while I haven't been the most energetic mother this week; I think my kiddos understand that mom is feeling under the weather.

What are your tips and home remedies? Do tell! I think we've got still another stretch of germ season so I am ready to take notes. Stay healthy and thanks for paying a visit!

Check out today's link ups: The Mummy ChroniclesThe Pleated PoppyTucker UpGet Your Pretty OnShopping My Closet Mix & Match FashionPenniless Socialite, Sincerely Jenna MarieLiving in Color!