An update.

Johanna heading to the gym in a graphic t-shirt, leopard biker shorts, and sneakers. She is carrying a yoga mat and water bottle.

It’s been two weeks since I’ve written a blog post. That, to me, is unsettling. It’s also a really good indication that I’ve either been in the weeds at work or have hit a wall, creatively speaking. Well, the answer is a bit of both. I don’t think people realize how challenging it is to be creative at the drop of a hat and to run a side hustle on top of a FT hustle. It. isn’t. easy. In fact, I have found myself a little crabby these past two weeks because I needed that outlet. I needed to pour myself into something that didn’t have any rules. <i.e. my blog!>

So, here we are. What has been going on? Well, for one…it’s Fall y’all. Our home has been decorated for two weeks which makes me extraordinarily happy. If you ever want to see a testament as to how much I love the orange and blackness that is Halloween, click here. Many posts.

On the health front, I’ve hit another type of a wall. Forever struggling with my GI issues, it pretty much hit critical mass in August with incredible discomfort and multiple doctor visits. I truly didn't know what to eat but I met with an amazing specialist and I have hope for new answers and some direction. This Friday I will have a battery of tests done including testing for Celiac Disease. I am not sad, I am not mad…I just want answers. Meanwhile, my specialist put me on some meds that are providing some comfort so all is not lost.

September is also a big birthday month for my husband. We had back to back dinner parties and a lot of entertaining. I always curse this day of but truly, nothing beats having your besties gathered around the table…and seeing multiple bottles of wine the morning after. Wow…don’t underestimate 40 year olds!

On the work front, some new, biggish accounts are fully launched hence where my time has been allocated along with a complete overhaul of our creative department alongside staff changes. 100% manageable but incredibly busy. Such is the life of an entrepreneur. To keep it real, I just realized our 2019 state filing was due a month ago. Whoops. Paid that puppy. Time flies where you’re having fun.

On a final, uplifting note, the husband and I alongside some longtime girlfriends got to experience Chicago Gourmet for the first time on behalf of Basil Haydens and it was such a unique experience. I consider it a final send off to Summer. Catch some of my stories and photos on my IG feed. It’s the ultimate food and wine party and we were here for it!

What’s next? Clawing my way back to creativity and it’s gonna happen. Last week I finished up my last big hurdle which was 10 hours of client shoot time hence the wacky prop lady picture. You have no idea how much crap I’ve acquired over the last 5.5 years and I truly love every second of it. Attending shoots again has honed my creative spontaneity and greased the content wheel.

I think I am back in the best way possible. This week I will be rounding up my favorite fall sweaters, the best games and activities for throwing a fun, kiddo Halloween party and my latest Trader Joe haul. Thanks for sticking around. xo

BTW, my awesome graphic tee was a gift by one of my favorite photographers and I linked it below along with my cycle shorts. She knows me so well! She also took this whimsical shot of me. I was 100% delirious by the end of the week!