Go Green with 5 St. Patrick's Day Smoothie Recipes!

The Shamrock Shake has once again made its annual appearance. And while this may be a favorite childhood treat for many, including myself, I went on a quest this year to find a healthier version. One that my entire family would love. Selfishly, this is also how I start my day so really, it's about killing two birds with one stone.

I've personally tested many-a-green-smoothie and these round out my favorites. As one Buzzfeed article aptly put it - these actually taste good! Let's just say you have to kiss a lot of frogs to get to the good stuff. And good stuff they are indeed! Packed with nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins...this is one treat you won't have to feel guilty indulging in.

<all smoothie images are linked back to their original recipe and photography source>


Strawberry-Basil Green Smoothie Recipe

My favorite? The Shamrock Smoothie Bowl. I'm a late bloomer but I love any smoothie or acai bowl. They are so energizing and I love foods with texture so this is a win/win. Try them out and tell me what you think. Luck o' the irish to you! xo

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