Less adulting...more mermaid!

Find me a girl who didn't want to be a mermaid at one point in her life. Impossible! It all started with "Splash" for me and for my girls.."The Little Mermaid." Luxurious hair, clam bikinis and that magical tail allowing you to gracefully glide through the water...sounds much better than my day job, right?

I couldn't have been more thrilled when my girlfriend, Helen, text me one afternoon asking if I wanted to participate in a mom/daughter mermaid swim class with Aqua Mermaid Chicago. This is the stuff of dreams! And what better backdrop than my parents pool! Helen coordinated and I began MANY talks with my girls on the subject of mermaids, mermaid life and what mermaids eat. Obviously. 

Our instructor, Nora, could not have been more of a sweetheart. She was patient with the girls, (Lola pooped out; nap problems) and with the moms as wriggling into mermaid tails is no joke! Seriously...Ariel makes it look SO easy. 

Can we just stop for a moment and observe the cuteness that she coordinated for the wee ones? I about died on contact. Needless to say, Olivia said it was truly the best day of her life. All five years of it!

As for me, it was such a wonderful experience. The moms participated and took snaps while Helen and I learned how to dive and swim like mermaids. It's a fun work out that I'd highly recommend for your next GNO or break from the gym. Talk about working those core muscles!

Check out this slide show for more colorful snaps:

Let's just say few headstand contests ensued...

Finished with a complete reality check...mermaids floating on inflatable swans. Hey! You only live once! And frankly, it was the best summer day ever!

Aqua Mermaid Chicago has officially opened as of July here in Chicago. Follow along on their oh-so-adorable Instagram feed for the latest in mermaid life + book your class today!

For Kalista + Olivia, the mermaid tails were by Applejack Apparel

For Helen + I, the mermaid tails were by AquaMermaid

Photography by Helen Berkun

* Check out today's links ups: Mix & Match FashionPenniless Socialite, Sincerely Jenna MarieLiving in Color!