Posts tagged dealing with internet hate
How much is too much? A discussion on vulnerability.

This isn’t a post about me at all. This post has been rattling around in the back of my head for some time and I think the universe was trying to tell me something because last week my friends shared several instances in which people had judged them over the internets. People like you and me decided to weigh in on their decisions completely unsolicited. Some opinions were based on superfluous things while others took an incredible amount of courage to discuss. I shook and continue to shake my head at these instances. One: I can relate because I have sat in that hot seat and two: what kind of world do we live in in which humans can be wretchedly mean when disguised behind a computer or some silly social media handle?

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Dear Laney...

I posted a blog last week on shopping. It wasn't ground breaking and I've shared this type of content many-a-time before. Once in awhile a reader will comment on a particular item they, too are fawning over. It's just fun, superfluous content. The interesting thing about this post is that it really rubbed one reader the wrong way. I mentioned it extensively on my IG stories but in case you missed's what my friend, "Laney" had to say...

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