The Key To Partying Harder + Smarter!

Johanna and Helen Berkun dancing in a snow glove in holiday outfits

Blink and the holidays are over. Just when you finally can come up for air, we have one more windsprint to get through: New Year’s Eve. It’s truly one of my most favorite holidays outside of Halloween. As a Gemini, turning the page to a fresh new chapter and embracing change is something I will always get behind. Change is good!

About that last hurrah? It seems once you hit the tender age of about 29, those cocktails don’t allow us to recover like we used to. I know this because I’ve spoken to several people about this. And there is NOTHING worse than waking up with a screaming headache the next morning. Take it from someone who has suffered many of these in her lifetime. Many.

Johanna carrying a glittery bottle of champagne and Party Smart capsules

I’m about to change your life in one easy click. Meet PartySmart. This tiny capsule is a life changer. Comprised completely of herbs, this magic pill speeds up the alcoholic digestive process in your liver by completely eradicating acetaldehyde, allowing you to wake up feeling ready to tackle what the next day holds! No magic pill for late nights and zero sleep, folks!

Johanna wearing a tuxedo dress by Burken Styles

PartySmart is plant-based, gluten-free, and contains no wheat, corn, soy, or dairy. Yes, I said gluten-free which is magic to my ears! The single-capsule blister-pack dose costs less than a cup of coffee and easily fits in your pocket or purse. With extracts of chicory, Andrographis, grape, and date palm, PartySmart supports the liver and gives you a better “next morning” in just one capsule. It’s been clinically tested and USDA approved and the best part? Completely plant based which is something that I care more and more about these days.

My personal experience was quite painless. This magical capsule didn’t prevent me from feeling the effects of my champagne but there was a noticeable difference the next morning as I woke up feeling less icky and more like myself which is a rarity when I drink any time. I guess you could say that this pill gave me back my day as I was productive at work and with family after a night of red wine, my husband and House of Cards. Hello Christmas Day!

Johanna and Helen Berkun dancing in a snow glove in holiday outfits

Consider me a PartySmart advocate for life… because even this mom likes to get her party on once in awhile. Still got it!

Get yours on Amazon just in time for NYE! Use code GRANGE20 for 20% off your next PartySmart order on Amazon! Hello Amazon Prime!

Disclosure: I was financially compensated for this post. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.