What is your UVP?

A selfie of Johanna and her daughters

Hi! I am re-sharing a social media post from last week because it was so well received. I received many meaningful, vulnerable DMs from it that it only made sense to memorialize it in the best way possible. I discussed unique value propositions and our beliefs that ultimately strengthen our character and shape us into who we are today.

I hope you enjoy this read as must as I did writing it. Enjoy!

I was thinking about UVPs (unique value proposition) as one often does when you have the great fortune to collaborate alongside some of the coolest lifestyle brands in the digital world. Yes to @oakstsocial #clientwork! I started thinking about my personal brand and what I've taught people to expect of me. I have to say it hasn't wavered in the slightest bit but if you are new here, here's a refresher of Jo's UVP:
I believe in the power of a bold lipstick and a power suit.

I believe in girls and inclusivity and I think we can do it better than the gents.

I believe in role models...being one and aspiring to be one.

I believe your mindset has the power to unleash or lock up whatever you decide it will. Case and point, if you believe you are going to fail, you probably will.

I believe in mistakes.

I believe in underdogs and I believe in triumphs.

I believe in the golden rule but I also don't believe in taking anyone's shit.

I believe in therapy and self care.

I believe in a strong sneaker game.

I believe we can have it all and I believe that it is an exhausting journey to get there.

I believe that things happen for a reason; trust the universe.

I believe in love after a failed first marriage and I believe in the fairytale.

I believe these two little nuggets are wicked smart and will one day set the world on fire with their talents.

I believe my husband is the smartest person I know and that most smart people are incredibly stubborn. Also known as being relentless in the pursuit to reach your goals.

I believe in fate, Mercury in Retrograde and I believe when you are having a bad day that sometimes you should just quit while you're ahead. I

believe that dogs can de-stress even the most tightly wound person as does a nice, full body red. I believe in support.

I believe in being uncomfortable every.single.goddamn.day.

I believe that what you put out into the universe is exactly what you will get back; good or bad.

I believe in my friends and their wicked talents.

I believe in cathartic, aggressive fitness in place of a licensed therapist.

I believe Starbucks is too strong and that my coffee is not strong enough.

I believe in gluten free everything but I also want my french fries. I believe in adoption. I believe in philanthropy. I believe in high fashion but I like to mix low fashion. I believe in realness and authenticity (cringe - hate that this word is overused) and that life isn't matcha lattes and handbags. Sometimes life is unshowered at 3pm. I believe in the all American comeback and I believe in entrepreneurs who have the audacity to share their ideas and put them into the universe raw and unbridled for our judgement. I believe in bravery. I believe enthusiasm is contagious. I believe in rap music...always. I believe in naps and belly laughs. I believe in confrontation because life is too short. I believe no means not yet. I believe in mom time out. I believe in travel and learning new cultures. I believe in hope. And I definitely believe our next president has got to be female!
Most of all, I have relearned to believe in me because if I don't believe in myself...who will?

So the question that begs...what do you believe in?